Time to rebuild youth sports in America

Over the past generation, youth sports in America has become increasingly privatized and exclusionary. Families with resources often move children into club programs costing hundreds or even thousands of dollars a year, chasing college athletic scholarships and preferential admission to universities. What we currently lack is equitable youth sports programming that serves children at scale.

The year of sports reform is here

This year, college sports is headed for a rethink, with Congress, states and the Supreme Court all considering efforts to secure the economic rights of athletes, as well as health protections. A federal commission is being formed to develop recommendations on the modern role of the U.S. Olympic movement. The expansion of legalized sports betting and the rise of streaming media will further change consumers’ relationship with the games they watch.

Then there’s the pandemic – the unforeseen disruptor that still has months to play itself out. School-based sports have been especially impacted, with many seasons cancelled or delayed. The grim upside? The loss of activity has heightened awareness of the physical, mental, social, and emotional benefits of playing sports. We’re left to ask: If sports are so great, how do we give every student an opportunity to play when they return in full?

What will youth sports restrictions look like in 2021?

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread, many parents are trying to navigate on their own what this means for their child playing sports. Project Play is here to help. While some questions are best answered by public health experts based on local conditions, there are guidelines and best practices that are very useful. We will periodically answer youth sports parents’ questions in this Project Play Parent Mailbag.

Race in America: Can cops as coaches in youth sports offer some healing?

What if as a society we more intentionally found a way for White police officers to connect with Black and Latino youth and their families positively? What if more cops actually know the names of people who they serve and become familiar with who they are? Could barriers come down to regain some level of trust by police and communities if they see each other in a new light through sports?

Should kids play indoor sports now, and if so, how?

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread, many parents are trying to navigate on their own what this means for their child playing sports. Project Play is here to help. While some questions are best answered by public health experts based on local conditions, there are guidelines and best practices that are very useful. We will periodically answer youth sports parents’ questions in this Project Play Parent Mailbag.

Kids and masks: What’s the latest guidance when playing sports?

As many states and communities return to youth sports during the COVID-19 pandemic, parents are trying to navigate this new experience on their own. Project Play is here to help. While some questions are best answered by public health experts based on local conditions, there are guidelines and best practices that are very useful. We will periodically answer youth sports parents’ questions in this Project Play Parent Mailbag.

Women’s roller derby offers plan for how youth sports can return

As many states and communities return to youth sports during the COVID-19 pandemic, parents are trying to navigate this new experience on their own. Project Play is here to help. While some questions are best answered by public health experts based on local conditions, there are guidelines and best practices that are very useful. We will periodically answer youth sports parents’ questions in this Project Play Parent Mailbag.

Why can’t the U.S. agree about youth sports during COVID-19?

As some states and communities return to youth sports during the COVID-19 pandemic, many parents are trying to navigate this new experience on their own. Project Play is here to help. While some questions are best answered by public health experts based on local conditions, there are guidelines and best practices that are very useful. We will periodically answer youth sports parents’ questions in this Project Play Parent Mailbag.

What should parents do if their child's team ignores local COVID-19 rules?

As some states and communities return to youth sports during the COVID-19 pandemic, many parents are trying to navigate this new experience on their own. Project Play is here to help. While some questions are best answered by public health experts based on local conditions, there are guidelines and best practices that are very useful. We will periodically answer youth sports parents’ questions in this Project Play Parent Mailbag.